Nephron Information Center News Center
Last updated Mon, 14 Mar 2016 00:47:24 -0700 GMT.
Lessons Learned from EVOLVE for Planning of Future Randomized Trials in Patients on Dialysis (
Shortage of Peritoneal Dialysis Solution and the Food and Drug Administration's Response (
APOL1 Kidney Disease Risk Variants: An Evolving Landscape. (
Hyperuricemia and Progression of CKD in Children and Adolescents: The Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) Cohort Study (
CKD Book Published for Clinicians to benefit AAKP (
Dental Health and Mortality in People With End-Stage Kidney Disease Treated With Hemodialysis: A Multinational Cohort Study (
The Phosphate Binder Ferric Citrate and Mineral Metabolism and Inflammatory Markers in Maintenance Dialysis Patients: Results From Prespecified Analyses of a Randomized Clinical Trial (
7.8 magnitude earthquake kills over 1,400 in Nepal (
Making Chemistry Greener (
Apolipoprotein L1, income and early kidney damage. (
National Kidney Foundation 2015 Spring Clinical Meetings Late Breaking Abstracts (
Islands in the Stream: The Risk of Kidney Disease From Cardiovascular Disease (
Patients as Stakeholders in Setting Kidney Disease Research Priorities (
New high-throughput screening method may uncover novel treatments for kidney disease (
Nation's Longest Kidney Transplant Chain Reaches 34 (
Aethlon Medical's Hemopurifier receives IRB approval for study in dialysis patients with hepatitis C (
FDA Approves Ferric Citrate for Use as a Phosphate Binder in Dialysis Patients (
Hospitalizations for Heart Failure Increase Kidney Disease Patients and Sudden Death (
The Ethics of Offering Dialysis for AKI to the Older Patient: Time to Re-Evaluate? (
Effect of Increasing Dietary Fiber on Plasma Levels of Colon-Derived Solutes in Hemodialysis Patients (
Comparison of oral and intravenous alfacalcidol in chronic hemodialysis patients. (
Serious shortage in Baxter PD products - their letter to patients (
Baxter recalled some Dianeal products earlier this year due to mold (
Type of vascular access and survival among very elderly hemodialysis patients. (
Vascular access in hemodialysis patients older than 80 years. (
High-Protein Diets and Renal Health. (
PD First: peritoneal dialysis as the default transition to dialysis therapy. (
Osteopontin Is a Strong Predictor of Incipient Diabetic Nephropathy, Cardiovascular Disease, and All-Cause Mortality in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes. (
Assessment of vascular function in patients with chronic kidney disease. (
Calcineurin Inhibitor Avoidance and Withdrawal for Kidney Transplantation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. (
From ERA-EDTA-Chronic Kidney Disease: CCL2 inhibition is renoprotective in diabetic nephropathy. (
Clinical therapeutic strategies for early stage of diabetic kidney disease. (
FDA Okays Noninvasive Kidney Test (
Vasopressin-2 Receptor Signaling and Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: From Bench to Bedside and Back Again (
New definition of kidney disease for clinical trials could lead to new treatments (
Effect of Prolonged Therapeutic Hypothermia on Intracranial Pressure, Organ Function, and Hospital Outcomes Among Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. (
Association of paraoxonase gene polymorphisms with diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy. (
Keloid Development: Unlocking Its Mystery (
Age may explain the association of an early dialysis initiation with poor survival. (
Aethlon MedicalĀ® Announces Definitive Agreement with DaVita Clinical ... (
Outcome of patients with acute kidney injury in severe sepsis and septic shock treated with early goal-directed therapy in an intensive care unit. (
Clinical, pathologic, and functional outcomes after nephron-sparing surgery in patients with a solitary kidney: a multicenter experience. (
Doctor Visits Post-Discharge Cut Readmission in Hemodialysis (
Keeping kidney failure patients out of the hospital (
Left Ventricular Mass Progression despite Stable Blood Pressure and Kidney Function in Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease. (
Updated management of chronic kidney disease in patients with diabetes. (
Importance of Vascular Calcification in Kidney Transplant Recipients. (
More Fruits, Veggies May Cut World Stroke Risk (
Uric acid and chronic kidney disease: which is chasing which? (
Awareness of Kidney Disease among US Adults: Findings from the 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. (
Exercise is antiinflammatory in CKD (
How did ICD-10 get into SGR bill? (
Associations between Depressive Symptoms and Incident ESRD in a Diabetic Cohort. (
Sudden cardiac arrest in ESRD patients. (
Women and ESRD: modalities, survival, unique considerations. (
Chronic kidney disease: Cystic disease associated with increased risk of ESRD. (
Blood pressure management in patients with chronic kidney disease: an appraisal and summary of existing guidelines. (
Evidence of the syndrome of rapid onset end-stage renal disease (SORO-ESRD) in the acute kidney injury (AKI) literature--preventable causes of AKI and SORO-ESRD--a call for re-engineering of nephrology practice paradigms. (
Low levels of high-density lipoproteins are associated with acute kidney injury following revascularization for chronic limb ischemia. (
Provision of Antioxidant Therapy in Hemodialysis (PATH): A Randomized Clinical Trial (
Economic Evaluation of Frequent Home Nocturnal Hemodialysis Based on a Randomized Controlled Trial (
Prominent Accumulation in Hemodialysis Patients of Solutes Normally Cleared by Tubular Secretion (
SGR Fix update (
Dietary Trends and Management of Hyperphosphatemia Among Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: An International Survey of Renal Care Professionals. (
Increased Burden of Cardiovascular Disease in Carriers of APOL1 Genetic Variants. (
The cytoprotective role of autophagy in puromycin aminonucleoside treated human podocytes. (
Functions of the podocyte proteins nephrin and Neph3 and the transcriptional regulation of their genes. (
Researchers Generate Kidney Tubular Cells from Stem Cells (
APOL1 Risk Variants, Race, and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease (
Dialysis providers welcome reprieve on CMS payment cuts (
APOL1 Risk Variants, Race, and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease (
Bardoxolone Methyl in Type 2 Diabetes and Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (
Combined Angiotensin Inhibition for the Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy (
Acid Levels in the Diet Could Have Profound Effects on Kidney Health (
Abatacept in B7-1?Positive Proteinuric Kidney Disease (
Influence of safety warnings on ESA prescribing among dialysis patients using ... (
Proposed Medicare Cuts Have Broad Implications For Dialysis Services Offerings (
Congress May Finally Fix Medicare Payment Flaw, Avert Doctor Exodus (
Vascular Access for Hemodialysis in Older Adults: A "Patient First" Approach. (
CMS Proposes 9.4% Pay Cut for Dialysis Providers (
Infection Risk with Bolus versus Maintenance Iron Supplementation in Hemodialysis Patients (
Effect of anemia correction to the modestly high hemoglobin level in patients with chronic kidney disease on left ventricular hypertrophy. (
Associations between dietary patterns and kidney function indicators in type 2 diabetes. (
Report: Bessemer dialysis center shut down after two patients die of infections (
mTOR Plays a Critical Role in p53-induced Oxidative Kidney Cell Injury in HIVAN. (
Blood Pressure, Proteinuria, and Phosphate as Risk Factors for Progressive Kidney Disease: A Hypothesis. (
Nephrologists' Professional Ethics in Dialysis Practices (
Dysfunctional HDL Takes Its Toll in Chronic Kidney Disease. (
Study of ventricular electrical systole in patients with end-stage kidney disease on hemodialysis. (
New treatments for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. (
Chronic kidney disease is associated with neovascularization and intraplaque hemorrhage in coronary atherosclerosis in elders: results from the Hisayama Study. (
Association between Water Intake, Chronic Kidney Disease, and Cardiovascular Disease: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of NHANES Data. (
Lab-Grown Kidneys Transplanted into Rats and Become Functional (
Slow Walking Speed Linked with Premature Death in Kidney Disease Patients (
Phosphate-Binding Drug Does Not Improve Heart Health of Patients with Mild Kidney Disease (
Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 is a Predictor of Aortic Artery Calcification in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients. (
Lab-made rat kidneys raise hopes for dialysis patients (