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6 eGFR Equations (beta)



Welcome to KidneyDisease, the e-mail discussion group for patients diagnosed with kidney disease, but who are not yet on dialysis! I am Dr. Steve Fadem, moderator and co-owner along with Dr. Kim Solez.

Many of you, or your family members were diagnosed with kidney disease, perhaps an impairment in renal function, protein in your urine or both. Many of you have diabetes and hypertension.

This list will offer you three things:

  1. Information
    - from either my colleagues or me. Some of your questions will be posted on the American Journal of Kidney Disease Discussion Forum (click the red icon to the right) and on the Physician discussion group. Expert physicians from around the world will have the opportunity to review and answer your question
  2. Support
    - It is difficult to have a kidney disease. Many of you may never progress to kidney failure while others will. Fellow patients on this list will help support you. There are also support groups for patients on dialysis that you might be interested in. The support from fellow patients that are also going through a similar ordeal is going to be very important to you.
  3. Encouragement
    - It is often very reassuring to hear from a patient that had a very difficult problem with their treatment, but overcame it. Sometimes just hearing this can be a great help when you are sick. Sharing the details can be very useful.

Who am I? I am a clinical nephrologist that has a special interest in the prevention of kidney disease. I am on the advisory board of cyberNephrology, a National Kidney Foundation initiative that is bringing you this discussion group. In addition I am a patient with a chronic disease, a type of cancer, so I know what many of you are going through. For more information read A Doctor Gets Sick and About your moderator.

The National Kidney Foundation, and other websites in addition to this one have been developed in cooperation with the NKF cyberNephrologyTM Center

We look forward to your participation in our discussions!

Enjoy! - Steve Fadem, M.D.


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welcome messageor write to:





Do not send personal messages or messages intended for only one person to the group, send such messages to individual Email addresses.

The list management commands below should go to majordomo@UAlberta.CA and not to the kidneydisease@majordomo.srv.ualberta.ca address.

Please review Netiquette, the top 13 rules for posting for patient support and information discussion groups.

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  • who kidneydisease
    Find out who is on kidneydisease.
  • info kidneydisease
    Retrieve the general introductory information for the NEPHINDIG.
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  • help
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  • end
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