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NEPHROLOGY E-MAIL DIALYSIS DISCUSSION GROUP in cooperation with the National Kidney Foundation's cyberNephrologyTM Center

Welcome to MDdialysis, an e-mail discussion group for nephrologists actively managing dialysis patients or directing and supervising dialysis facilities and surgeons performing A-V access procedures. I am Steve Fadem, moderator.

With the development of physician guidelines comes physician accountability. The role of the medical director and the dialysis physician is being sharply defined by HFCA, the corporate ownership of dialysis facilities, payors and enlightened patients.

This list will offer you three things:

  1. Information:
    Through your participation in this discussion group you should gain a great deal of insight into many timely issues. You should be able to stay up with new guideline initiatives and compliance issues. You will learn what kinds of concerns HCFA and Insurance payors have. This site should compliment clinical discussion groups like
    Nephrol , a product of NKF's cyberNephrology.
  2. Interaction
    - The dialogues with colleagues will undoubtedly lead to new ideas, and better ways to address management and clinical issues.
  3. Guidance

    Through discussion with colleagues one can inquire how to implement the k/DOQI guidelines, set up a quality improvement program, write a therapy protocol, or set up a vascular access management team.

National Kidney Foundation, and other websites in addition to this one have been developed in cooperation with the NKF cyberNephrology TM Center

These important resources will help you to feel comfortable using the expansive resources of the Internet to meet the needs of your practice or your position.

We look forward to your participation in our discussions!

To send a message to the group you can either reply to this welcome message or write to: mddialysis@majordomo.srv.ualberta.ca


Do not send personal messages or messages intended for only one person to the group, send such messages to individual Email addresses.

The list management commands below should go to majordomo@majordomo.srv.ualberta.ca and not to mddialysis@majordomo.srv.ualberta.ca.

Please review Netiquette, the top 13 rules for posting for patient support and information discussion groups.

If you feel you are being bombarded with e-mails, subscribe mddialysis-digest (instead of mddialysis, then unsubscribe mddialysis). You will then only receive one e-mail per day instead of several.

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  • Subscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) to the named <list>.
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  • Subscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) to the named <list>. If you wish to change to the digest simply subscribe mddialysis-digest and in a separate e-mail unsubscribe mddialysis.
  • unsubscribe mddialysis [<address>]
  • Unsubscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) from the named <list>.
  • get mddialysis <filename>
  • Get a file related to <list>.
  • index mddialysis
  • Return an index of files you can "get" for <list>.
  • search mddialysis <searchitem>
  • Search for a word or string in a list's archives.
  • which [<address>]
  • Find out which lists you (or <address> if specified) are on.
  • who mddialysis
  • Find out who is on mddialysis.
  • info mddialysis
  • Retrieve the general introductory information for the NEPHINDIG.
  • lists
  • Show the lists served by this Majordomo server.
  • help
  • Retrieve this message.
  • end
  • Stop processing commands (useful if your mailer adds a signature).

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© 2004-21 Nephron Information Center. All Rights Reserved. No part of this page can be reproduced without permission of the author. | Page coding updated October 20 2012. Content last updated dynamically at Last updated Mon, 26 Dec 2016 23:20:50 -0800. .