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6 eGFR Equations (beta)


About the Renal Nutrition Page

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The Renal Nutrition Project offers its services on an "as is" basis, without warranty, expressed or implied. LKP screens Web sites for valid resources to inlclude and strives to meet high quality goals. However, LKP cannot vouch that the information retrieved from these sites is in every respect accurate or complete. Consumers should review medical information carefully with their professional healthcare provider.LKP links to other Internet sites, including fee-based content providers and advertisers. ADP can not be held liable for the quality or suitability of such sites.

The Arizona Dietetic Project was designed by Bruce T. Smith, R.D., a widely respected renal dietitian. A few years ago, Bruce asked The Nephron Information Center to host the content. The site originally contained links to other web sites, and these links have been incorporated into the Center. The content created by Bruce is excellent, and has been extensively used by professionals and patients. With Bruce's help, we hope to continue this tradition of excellence. With the incorporation of chronic kidney disease, exercise and other aspects of health care, the project has grown. In addition, it has taken a new name that better defines the geography of its current location.

With the advent of the web, the location of a program such as this is irrelevant. Likewise, it is also possible to link to a variety of resources from around the world, and the challenge is finding resources that are suitable for patients, are valid, and are relevant. As nutritional aspects of health care become recognized as a major determinant of cardiovascular morbidity, we become more aware of the need to educate and support good nutrition. This is especially true in the management of renal diseases, which is in itself an independent risk factor of cardiovascular disease. In addition to the management of phosphorus, potassium, sodium and fluids, renal patients are constantly forced to face the challenges of diabetes and heart disease, and the dietary restrictions they demand. Yet, much of the gratification in the management of renal diseases is that patients often have a great deal of control over their condition. It is with this in mind that The Nephron Information Center, in cooperation with The The LoneStar Kidney Project is continuing to foster this endeavor.

It is hoped that in the future this site will expand, and serve as a useful tool and resource for all members of the renal community.

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