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Kidney Diet Resources

General Renal Diet Tips (What to do until you receive your personal diet
KDOQI Guidelines - Nutrition

National Kidney Foundation Nutrition Guidelines - placed on the web by The Nephron Information Center and cyberNephrology™

UpToDate Nutritional Assessment in ESRD UpToDate Nutritional Assessment from JASN
NIDDK - Hemodialysis Nutrition Site Eat Right to Feel Right on Hemodialyiss - produced by the NIDDK
iKidney.com Nutrition Resource courtesy of R&D Laboratories
AAKP Na-K Phos Counter Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus reference sheet
Frequently Asked Nutrition Questions

Can you advise me of a source that would provide me with the protein content of some common fruits and vegetables?

How Much Protein Do you Need?

Composition of foods USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory Database
Nephron Information Center DietBooks Odrer kidney diet books online form The Nephron Information Center
Amazon.com Order kidney diet books online from Amazon.com
The Renal Gourmet Gourmet cookbook written by a kidney patient - 200 recipes

The Recipe Box

Compliance Tips

iKidney.com is a service of R & D. It has many valuable nutritional and general kidney resources for patients and professionals.
National Renal Diet

American Dietetic Association

ADA Nutrition Facts

NKF-CRN (Quality Initiative)  Quality Nutrition Care for Renal Patients
Renal Nutrition Resources from NKF - CRN
Kidney Helpers Potassium and Phosphorus food charts - for patient education
The "Living Well Cookbook" by Amgen and NKF-CRF Available through Amgen, Inc.
Southwest Cookbook for people on dialysis  National Kidney Foundation of Texas and Amgen, Inc.
Cooking the Renal Way
Oregon Council on Renal Nutrition
PO Box 29133
Portland, OR 97210-9122
USDA Food and Nutrition Information
Renal Family Cookbook  Multimed Inc.
 Culinary Kidney Cooks

A cookbook for dialysis patients

Try the recipe of the week

 Baxter's recipe of the week A leader in the dialysis industry serves up some great recipes for dialysis patients
 DASH Diet Developed by NHLBI for management of hypertension - May not apply to people with ESRD who must restrict potassium.





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